About Us
It all started with one question:
Why the heck are cycling glasses so expensive?
Some years ago I started really getting into cycling and decided to join my first club. I've quickly noticed that a lot of guys wore these super expensive glasses.
Now, I love spending money on cycling gear, but even back in the day I never understood what was the logic behind charging $200+ on a piece of plastic apart from showing everyone that you have money to blow on an expensive brand.
Some of my buddies, when asked about it, tried to defend their purchase arguing that "these glasses contain unique technology" or "they have a special design that reduces your aero drag".
I don't know about you, but I consider myself to be a bit skeptical of any marketing claim and decided to research it and draw my own conclusions about whether there's any difference between a pair of 250$ "professional" cycling glasses and what would be considered ordinary sunglasses.
What I've found out was shocking
You see, most glasses that are marketed as containing the latest piece of technology, actually just have old features but with new branded names.
But that's not the worst part...
There was a time Sport glasses weren't ultra expensive, you could get a decent pair for a pretty decent price and everyone could ride their bicycles safely and comfortably without going bankrupt.
Until one big corporation, little by little, ended up purchasing pretty much every competitor in the market.
Prices start gradually increasing and today they are able to sell ordinary glasses for a HUGE mark up price.
I don't want to give them free publicity, so you can check it for yourself here, CBS did a nice summary of the situation in their famous TV program "60 minutes" on youtube, you can watch it here, if you're interested in confirming what I've just said:
Why is no one talking about this????
I was pretty impressed that I had to research for quite a while before finding out the truth about the glasses industry.
The thing is: people have no idea, neither do care about how much they are paying for when it comes to fashion articles.
After riding a few times with my cycling club buddies, it came to me that a lot of them treat cycling gear as fashion clothing, as if wearing the same brand they saw their idol wearing, would make them ride faster.
For me that was just against everything cycling stands for. Cycling is about regaining your freedom by facing the challenges that you consider meaningful, and not the ones that were imposed by society.
I don't care about being able to waste 300$ on a piece of plastic, there's no glory in that, all I care about is improving myself everyday and eventually getting on the front of my peloton or completing a tough climb.
That's when I decided back in 2016 that someone had to step in and offer a better choice for cyclists..
Challenging the giants
Our goal since the start was to provide good pair of glasses for a fair price. The way to achieve this would be pretty simple in theory:
Strike a deal with suppliers and ship the packages directly from the manufactures, reducing costs and eliminating middlemen
However, that was not an easy task..
The industry was dominated by one single company and convincing people that they could get what they wanted without paying a huge amount of money, proved to be harder than we previously thought.
We've been bombarded with ads and pretty much all or our favorite athletes have been paid to wear the same brands. It's natural that most people would think twice before purchasing an unknown brand that claims to have the same quality for a lower price.
Things seemed really bleak at the start, but everyday we persisted on our dream of providing the pair of sports glasses that people deserved
Saved by the cycling community
Little by little our store started to gain popularity on social media, and by word of mouth we've been growing every year.
Today we have more than 11000 satisfied customers that got tired of overpaying for sports glasses and that number doesn't stop growing.

Where we go from here
We're now expanding the same concept of quality gear for a fair price to other products such as cycling jerseys.
Thanks to your help, our dream of revolutionizing the industry and giving power back to the customer is everyday coming closer to fruition.
Together we can go further, together we can make our future Bright